Travel Insurance

Travel insurance, According to Wikipedia Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements. Tourism is travel for pleasure or business; also the theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and the business of operating tours. Popular destinations among Indians may be international, or within the traveller’s country.


The World Tourism Organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go “beyond the common perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only”, as people “traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment. The UNWTO Report for 2018 also illustrates the modes of transport that all travellers use when they travel (see the chart below):

 Benefits Of Travel Medical Insurance


Emergency Medical Expenses
  • Accidental expenses
  • Sickness expenses
  • Dental treatment

Travel Exigencies

  • Trip cancellation
  • Flight delay
  • Airline/Hotel bounced booking
  • Missed connection

Baggage & Documents

  • Baggage delay
  • Baggage loss
  • Passport loss

Other Medical Coverages

  • Accidental death
  • Medical evacuation
  • Repatriation of remains

Financial Emergencies

  • Emergency cash advance
  • Fraudulent charges

Other Non Medical Benefits

  • Home burglary
  • Personal liability
  • Hijack coverage

What Are The Various Visitor Travel Insurance Plans?

We provide the most comprehensive basket of plans to choose from depending on your travel requirements. They include:

International Travel Insurance

Insurance companies offering international travel insurance

Overseas travel insurance, also known as overseas mediclaim policy offers cover for travellers going abroad on Leisure or Business. It offers general insurance coverage for medical and non medical emergencies like Accident & Sickness Cover, Trip Cancellation, Passport Loss, Personal Liability, Baggage Loss/Delay etc

Coverages offered:

  • Emergency Accident & Sickness Reimbursement
  • Sickness Dental Coverage
  • Medical Evacuation
  • Repatriation of Remains
  • Baggage Loss/Delay
  • Trip Cancellation/Curtailment
  • Passport Loss
  • Personal Liability
  • Trip/Flight Delay
  • Missed Connection
  • Bounced Hotel/Air Booking
  • Emergency Cash Advance

Policy exclusions:

  • Any Pre-existing Condition
  • Routine physicals or other examination
  • Elective, cosmetic, or plastic surgery
  • Suicide, (AIDS), / (HIV) infection
  • Under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants
  • Loss arising out of War, civil unrest, Terrorism
  • Congenital anomalies
  • Participation in Adventure Sports
  • Pregnancy related conditions

Factors To Consider While Buying Travel Insurance

Now that one has chosen the type of policy you have to buy online, it becomes important to decide which insurance company’s policy to decide upon. Not all the general insurance companies who operate in India have expertise in selling and managing Travel Insurance. The important factors to taken into consideration with regards to the insurance company include:
Firstly take a look at what insurance coverage you may require based on the Destination you are traveling to. For example if you’re going to developed countries like USA, Europe, Australia, UK, it is advisable to a policy with a higher Medical Limit ($200,000 and above). This is because the cost of medical treatment in these countries is significantly higher than the rest of the world.
Duration of travel – The longer the duration of travel, the higher sum insured for Medical expenses is recommended because the possibilities of catching an illness increase when exposed to varying climatic conditions with changing seasons.
 The Reputation and the Market standing are important to keep in mind while finalising an insurance partner. Importantly, the traveller should keep in mind the capabilities of the insurance company for Travel Insurance specifically. Their ability, transparency and promptness in claims settlement and their financial strength are important factors to consider.
 Another important aspect of claims, is the insurance company’s Third Party Administrator (TPA) abroad. Accessibility to the TPA at the time of a medical emergency is very important. One should understand the TPA’s network of hospitals across the world and their competencies to handle a critical situation. It is advisable to get your insurance from a company (and TPA) which handles the transparent claim settlement process so you have a hassle free experience.
network of hospitals
 Your activity calendar for your trip is as important as the trip itself. As a traveller if you plan to have a relaxed beach side vacation just to catch a tan, then don’t look for buying an insurance policy with an adventure sports coverage. But if you are likely to go scuba diving or snorkelling (any other adventure sport), please ensure the opt for a plan that offers coverage for Adventure Sports.
activity calender
 The age of the traveller is another important factor while deciding on the ideal insurance plan. With advancement in age, there are higher possibilities for travellers to be carry pre existing medical conditions. Most insurance plans exclude medical expenses arising due to pre existing conditions, and hence the traveller must ensure to choose the correct plan if they want the same to be covered. Also, age is a critical factor in determining the premium for the trip.
age of traveller
 The Exclusions under a Travel insurance policy are as important as the inclusions or coverages. Hence it is important for the traveller to review the exclusions prior to purchasing the policy so that they are clearly aware of what is covered and what is not covered. The exclusions are normally not stated on the face of the insurance policy certificate but in the terms and conditions (policy wordings) and hence the traveller will need to go through the same on the insurance company website or when sent along with the policy certificate.

Does This Travel Insurance Have Direct Settlement Or Payment?

 Yes, all travel insurance companies do offer direct/cashless settlement to hospitals for inpatient treatment for Accident of Sickness expenses incurred by the insured traveler. Direct settlement is more often referred to as cashless settlement or payment and is the process where the insurance company issues a Guarantee of Payment (GOP) letter to the medical institution (Hospital) confirming coverage for the insured against the treatment being availed by the insured. This GOP is issued to the hospital after the insurance company/its TPA confirms that the insured does have a valid policy and the treatment/ailment is actually covered under the scope of the policy terms and conditions. It is important for the insured / family member of the insured to inform the Assistance company as soon as the insured is admitted to the hospital for treatment to ensure they don’t end up spending any money from their pocket except the deductible payable for every claim.


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